The deadline for our Community Fringe Fund has now been extended to Sunday 7th August 2022. Apply Now
Community Fringe Fund
BEMIS Scotland, Scotland on Tour and the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society are delighted to announce the launch of a unique events fund entitled the ‘Multicultural Celebration of the 75th Anniversary…
Dandelion Community Grants Fund
We're proud to announce the launch of the BEMIS & Dandelion community grants fund, for community groups across Scotland to get started with growing their own food, and celebrating with…
Survey: Covid vaccine experience within African, Caribbean & Black communities in Scotland
BEMIS Scotland and the African, Caribbean and Black Inclusive Vaccination Sub-Group of the Ethnic Minority National Resilience Network (EMNRN) have commissioned Dr. Josephine Adekola at the University of Glasgow to conduct research on the important…