BEMIS Scotland is pleased to share with you the launch of the Equality Internship Programme. The said Programme is a Scotland wide initiative funded by the Scottish Government and delivered in partnership by SCVO, BEMIS, CEMVO, Scottish Disability Equality Forum and Inclusion Scotland. The Programme will create up to 150 paid Internships within third sector organisations for unemployed graduates.

In brief, 75 internship opportunities will be targeted at graduates with a disability or long term health condition and 75 will be open recruitment with applications actively invited and welcomed from graduates from Ethnic Minority communities.

The internship will be for a period covering three months (at 35 hours per week), paid at the national minimum wage or higher. A fund of £3001.70 will be assigned to each vacancy to cover the employee’s wage. Please be advised that there is some flexibility to do a reduced number of hours over a longer period should this assist the intern or the organisation.

In order to facilitate the Internship Programme, BEMIS will provide all graduates who register with them with continued support for the duration of the internship. This support will add to and compliment any support given by the host organisation. Likewise Bemis will provide any necessary support and assistance to the host organisation for the said period.

In the event your organisation is in a position to provide an internship opportunity, kindly contact our Internship Programme Co-ordinator, Mr Mahmood who will assist you in the application process. The relevant forms and information to host an Internship can be downloaded below.

Please indicate on the form the organisation that made you aware of the Internship Programme.

We shall be obliged if you would assist in promoting this initiative through your respective networks.

Additionally, if any of your service users meet the eligibility criteria and are looking for an intern opportunity then kindly put them in touch with our Mr Mahmood who can be contacted on 0141 548 8047 or zahid.mahmood

We thank you in anticipation of your kind support and assistance in promoting the Equality Internship Programme.