GRAMNet Film Series 2015/2016

GRAMNet Film Series 2015/2016


2015/2016 Film Series Programme

The programme is now available for the 2015/2016 GRAMNet Film Series. The 2015/2016 Film Series is organised by GRAMNet (Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network) and BEMIS Scotland. The aim of Hidden Stories 2015 is to bring the often untold, surprising knowledge of migratory movements into view and to sharpen the focus on the unusual lives and journeys which are part of the epic stories of migration which feature in our programme.

Screenings are accompanied by forums and Q&A for everyone to share their views and thoughts in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. The audience is warmly invited to congregate in the Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA) Cafe following each screening to continue our informal discussions.

Events are free of charge and open to everyone. The screenings are on Wednesday nights starting at 5.30pm at the CCA Glasgow.

Click here for the full programme and more information.


Neil Foster

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