VALLEY European Award

VALLEY European Award

logo_valley_hell_smallThe VALLEY (Validation System in Lifelong Learning Experiences of Youth Volunteering) project organises a European award that addresses associations in Europe to present their initiatives regarding validation of learning outcomes.

  • are you working with volunteers?
  • do you support them in validating their competences acquired
  • or do you have an innovative idea?

If you answer positively to these questions, the VALLEY European Award is for YOU!

We want you to be creative and present your learning projects in an innovative way. All ideas should take into account competences’ dimension.
At the end, the 3 best contributions will be invited to the Award Ceremony in Marseille, France on Thursday 16th February 2017 which will be attended by experts and relevant entities/personalities in the field. Moreover, you will receive a Certificate and your idea will be published in newsletters and articles!

We are looking forward to your contributions and wish you the best of luck!

Find out more and submit your idea here:


A 2-year project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme (Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships) in the field of Youth. Valley aims to develop a resource for personal development and empowerment to enhance the learning dimension of volunteering amongst young people. The competences developed during the volunteering work will be validated by means of an innovative validation approach—the LEVEL5 system.

Neil Foster

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