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Scottish Government – Mind-to-Mind Mental Health Campaign
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Scottish Government has launched the Mind-to-Mind Mental Health Campaign which encourages people to look after their mental wellbeing.
- Campaign Overview:
- Mind to Mind is a dedicated NHS Inform site to help people who may be facing challenges with their mental wellbeing. The site aims help people look after their mental wellbeing in ways that suit them, it features videos of people talking about their own mental wellbeing challenges to help others who may be going through the same. We want Mind to Mind contribute to a national conversation to normalise mental health and wellbeing, giving people the courage and skills to open up, share their stories and help in reducing stigmas.
- Covering topics including dealing with anxiety and panic, coping with money worries, handling stress, loneliness and isolation, lifting mood and moving through grief, each contributor shares practical advice on what has worked for them. The site also features commentary from a range of professionals and signposts where people can access further help and support.
- Key messages:
- If you’re going through a difficult patch or are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or lonely, it’s important to remember that help is available
- The mind to mind website features over 30 videos of people talking about their mental wellbeing challenges in a bid to help others who may be going through the same
- The website also provides practical advice on how to deal with life’s ups and downs and signposts where people can access further support
- You’re not alone. Find out how others are taking care of their mental wellbeing at
- Key campaign resources: