As a strategic national infrastructure organisation, BEMIS aims to empower the diverse Ethnic Minority third sector. We are committed to promoting inclusion, democratic active citizenship, recognition of diversity, human rights education, and wider representation, as well as effecting a proactive role in maintaining and enhancing pathways to influence government policy in regards to equality and human rights at local, Scottish, UK and EU levels.


Our vision is of a Scotland that is Equal, Inclusive, and Responsive: A society where people from the diverse communities are valued, treated with dignity and respect, have equal citizenship, opportunities and quality of life, and who actively participate in civic society.

BEMIS, within the perspective of our vision, adopts, deploys and utilizes the following core principles in our strategy and operational planning, development and delivery:


  • Recognizes and respect the diversity of diversity in all it does.
  • Seeks to foster a sense of community within, and solidarity between, minority groups.
  • Ensures that its policies and actions are clear, coherent, and consistent, and apply equally to all.
  • Embraces all without either homogenizing difference or entrenching ethnic division.
  • Does not favour any group over any other, or to entrench any racist doctrine or ethnic hierarchy.
  • Avoids any policy or action which gives offence to any stake-holders.
  • Is open to the fluidity of individuals’ self-description and to the fluidity of ethnic and other related classifications.
  • Does not seek or purport to speak on behalf of minority communities either individually or collectively, but assist them to speak for themselves.
  • Utilises consultative and inclusive approaches to facilitate effective community engagement to inform and influence local and national policies.
  • Ensures that its Board and staff is reflective of the diverse communities in Scotland.

Strategic Aims And Objectives

All of BEMIS’ strategic, planning and operational contexts will be based on a partnership approach to all equality strands promoting interaction and cooperation at all levels.

The following role and remit constitute a reflection of our vision, strategic and operational principles:

BEMIS will have three overarching strategic aims.

Overarching Strategic Objectives of BEMIS

  1. To empower and build the capacity of minority formal and informal community organisations.
  2. To be a key player and proactive stakeholder in leading on lobbying and influencing policy development at all levels in relation to Ethnic Minorities and the Race Equality agenda in Scotland (strategic partnership role to the Government).
  3. To help develop, promote & progress inclusive society and democratic active citizenship for all in a multicultural Scotland at Scottish, UK and European levels. In addition, be pro-active in supporting and promoting Democracy & Human Rights Education in Scotland ensuring inclusive active citizenship roles for the diverse Ethnic Minority communities.