This post provides a brief history of the development of the International Day for the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination and its associated UN treaty The International Convention…
Community Fringe Fund deadline extended
The deadline for our Community Fringe Fund has now been extended to Sunday 7th August 2022. Apply Now
Community Fringe Fund
BEMIS Scotland, Scotland on Tour and the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society are delighted to announce the launch of a unique events fund entitled the ‘Multicultural Celebration of the 75th Anniversary…
Dandelion Community Grants Fund
We're proud to announce the launch of the BEMIS & Dandelion community grants fund, for community groups across Scotland to get started with growing their own food, and celebrating with…
Survey: Covid vaccine experience within African, Caribbean & Black communities in Scotland
BEMIS Scotland and the African, Caribbean and Black Inclusive Vaccination Sub-Group of the Ethnic Minority National Resilience Network (EMNRN) have commissioned Dr. Josephine Adekola at the University of Glasgow to conduct research on the important…
BEMIS response to Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill – Freedom of Expression
Please see below to ready our submission to the Scottish Government's Justice Committee is response to the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill – Freedom of Expression Amendments BEMIS…
SWF Fund: Burns Day 2021

BEMIS Scotland are calling on our communities to begin 2021 with a positive celebration of Burns Night on 25th January 2021. Burns Night offers us the opportunity to share food together…
Scotland’s Winter Festivals – Funded Events
You can see the full list of events funded through our SWF: Acts of Kindness and Artistic Messages to Scotland programmes taking place over the next few days until Monday…
Open letter to Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People
Please see the below open letter sent to Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People, Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, on behalf of the Ethnic Minority National Resilience Network. Read in…
SWF 2020 Fund Launched
BEMIS Scotland are delighted to announce the opening of our Scotland’s Winter Festivals small grants fund for this year. In 2020/21 we will continue our partnership with the Scottish Government,…