
BEMIS Scotland are proud to once again be part of the Just Festival.

This year we will be hosting two Conversation themes celebrating the cultural diversity of Scotland and the Future of Equality and Human Rights beyond 2015, with a mix of quest speakers, open discussions and performances.

If you would like to attend either of our events we have a number of complimentary tickets available to BEMIS members and friends. Please contact to book your ticket.

Melting Pot of Scotland

Tuesday 11th August, 6:00 pm–7:30 pm
St John’s Church, Princes Street, Edinburgh

While Scotland has its core cultural characteristics such as traditional music, language, food, geography, stories, history and achievements, this is enhanced and supplemented by the cultural melting pot of Scotland. Come along to celebrate the diversity of Scottish communities.

With guest speakers:

  • Chairperson: Craig Smillie (The Glad Café
  • Christian Allard MSP (SNP, North East Scotland)
  • Atta Yaqub (Actor / Scottish Football Association)
  • Pinar Aksu (Human Rights Activist)
  • Tom Oakes (Musician, Composer and teacher)
  • Mahdi Bahrami (Footballer / Football coach)

Equality & Human Rights in Scotland

Thursday 20th August, 6:00 pm–7:30 pm
St John’s Church, Princes Street, Edinburgh

The Independence referendum sparked an upsurge in democratic active citizenship. In today’s conversation we will evaluate the settings and future aspirations of the equality and human rights agenda in Scotland in this politically fertile environment. Does the forthcoming ‘Scotland Bill’ reflect the aspirations of the nation? What can we do now and where do we want to go?

With guest speakers:

  • Roza Salih (Human Rights Activist / Glasgow Girl)
  • Diego Quiroz-Onate (Head of Policy, Scottish Human Rights Commission)
  • Tommy Sheppard MP (SNP, Edinburgh East)
  • Carole Ewart (Human Rights Consortium Scotland)


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