BEMIS Scotland and leading sensory support organisations, have come together to raise awareness of and advance race equality within the setting of sensory impairment.

People with sensory loss experience varying levels of inaccessibility, disadvantage, and attitudinal prejudice and discrimination.

Some ethnic minority groups are at a higher risk of sensory loss and are often unaware of this.  In addition, awareness-raising initiatives sometimes fail to reach these’ high risk’ groups and prevention messages become lost potentially leading to avoidable impairment, social burden and financial implications for both patient and services.

Many ethnic minority groups experiencing various degrees of sensory impairment will not be aware of, access, or benefit from, mainstream support services.

How can front-line services and policymakers deliver improved and targeted outcomes for ethnic minorities with sensory impairment?

This conference explores how we can ensure policy, practice and service delivery, is informed by a thorough understanding of the needs of ethnic minorities experiencing sensory impairment, and guarantees equality of access.

We aim to raise awareness of issues specific to ethnic minority communities at risk of sensory loss, explore the challenges and solutions for those living with sensory loss and support services to consider practical approaches to delivery of services to their diverse communities.

Delegates Briefing

Delegates Briefing
Can you see me Can you hear me – Delegates Briefing

At the event we will:

  • Discuss child and adult experiences of sensory impairment.
  • Explore the challenges and barriers faced by ethnic minorities experiencing sensory impairment.
  • Share good practice on meeting the needs of ethnic minorities experiencing sensory impairment.
  • Hear about the Scottish Government’s expected strategy on Sensory Impairment
  • Share of a unique range of resources demonstrating practical, tested approaches to community engagement, accessible information and cultural awareness
  • Hear from service users sharing their journey
  • Network and discuss joint working solutions

To Register:

Fill in this Online Form

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There will be a choice of workshops on the following three themes:

  • Early Intervention (facilitated by RNIB and NDCS)
  • Challenges and Barriers (facilitated Edinburgh & Lothians Joint Sensory Partnership)
  • Dual Sensory Loss – Just Try It (facilitated by by Deafblind Scotland)
  • Making a Difference (facilitated by Deaf Connections)

As part of the event you will have the opportunity to attend two of these three workshops.
Once you have registered for the event we will contact you to select your workshop preferences.


Conference Follow Up:

We are keen to maintain a network of interested people for future information sharing and learning, even if you cannot attend the event we would like to keep you on our mailing list. If you do not wish to be contacted with future information and events please click the unsubscribe link below.