Get Connected: working together to promote diversity

Get Connected: working together to promote diversity


BEMIS, Skills Development Scotland, and Capability Scotland 

Tuesday 20th May 2014, 10:00 – 15:00

Hilton Edinburgh Grosvenor, Gosvenor Street, Edinburgh, EH12 5EF

SDS is committed to broadening participation in all its services and programmes including the Modern Apprenticeships (MAs) and the Employability Fund.

BEMIS in partnership with SDS and Capability Scotland are facilitating an awareness-raising and networking event. Participants will have the opportunity to:-
  • Meet community groups which engaged and/or support young people from minority ethnic communities seeking employment
  • Meet organisations which support young disabled people
  • Meet Providers of Modern Apprenticeship and employability Fund programmes
  • Gain a better understanding of SDS products and services



Time   Presenter
10:20 Outline of event and domestics April Robertson NTP team
10:30 Welcome and opening of event Katie Hutton, Depute Director, SDS.
10:40 Partnership working: why are we here? Rami Ousta, CEO, BEMIS Scotland
10:50 How can SDS help?Overview of SDS services and products supporting those seeking work and MAs:Career Information Advice and Guidance in Edinburgh area. Patricia Thomson, Area Manager, Skills Development Scotland, South East.
11:05 Break for 10 minutes
11:20 My World of work: employability tools Alison Eaglesham, Partnership Development and Integration Team
11:30 National Training Programmes (NTPs) Karen Murray, Head of development of NTP
  Why a diverse workforce makes good business sense?
  • The business case for recruiting disabled people.
Ian Bruce, Head of Employment Services , Capability Scotland
  • The business case for recruiting an ethnically diverse workforce.
Zaffir Hakim and Tommy Breslin , STUC
12:05 Questions to panel of speakers
12:25 Lunch
  Speed NetworkingMeeting organisations and groups in Edinburgh area who can help you recruit and support young people who are from BME communities or who are disabled. April and whistle
End 15:00 What next?Sign up for post event activitiesEncourage continuing connectionsThanks to table facilitators and speed network leads.Evaluation

