Dumfries and Galloway Multicultural Association – St Andrew’s Fair Saturday Festival

DGMA 68 Friars Vennel, Dumfries, United Kingdom

Everyone is welcome to our St Andrew's Fair Saturday Festival as we will celebrate the Scottish culture and heritage with the culture-infused ethnic minority community and the wider public to support the New Scots who are integrating into the local neighborhood with the help of local Scottish members who will help organise the taste of

Forth Valley Migrant Support Network – St Andrew’s Fair Saturday Celebration Festival

Bowhouse Community Hall 130 Bowhouse Road, Grangemouth, United Kingdom

We are proposing a multi-cultural celebration of St. Andrew’s day Fair Saturday with traditional Scottish food and music entertainment. We will have a local caterer to prepare the food and local musicians to entertain the public with Scottish songs and music.The event will bring together the diverse local communities to celebrate St Andrew’s Fair Saturday

Rainbow Muslim Women’s Group – St Andrew’s Day

Falkirk High School Westburn Avenue, Falkirk, United Kingdom

St Andrew’s Day with the RMWG will be a rich fusion of music, food, education and poetry from around the world. We will have a Scottish – themed display (Scottish flags, thistle, tartan etc) with information stalls, world food section, kiosks, kids’ play area, bagpipers, and a Poets’ Corner reflecting the rich, vibrant cultural diversity

CAT SCOTLAND – St Andrew’s Day Afro-Scottish Traditional Dance

KATS 1 Fountainwell SquareSighthill, Glasgow, United Kingdom

The project will be essentially traditional dance with the aims to mobilise people from all ethnic in our local community and those with an affinity to Scotland to join in the St Andrew’s Fair Saturday Festival celebration on 30 November 2019; we will contribute to boost social inclusion, fairness and sharing. For this celebration, we

Ando Glaso – St Andrew’s Day Celebration

Clydebank Community Sport Hub 60 Dean St, Clydebank, United Kingdom

Ando Glaso is bringing together Roma and Scottish culture in a unique event to celebrate St Andrew’s Day. The event will showcase talented Roma groups and cuisine. The event will also host a Scottish ceilidh to conclude the event in a traditional Scottish manner. The audience will have the opportunity to immerse in both culture

Africa Future – St Andrew’s Day History

75 Stirling Road Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom

We will explore the history of St Andrew's Day. He is Scotland’s patron saint, but who was he? What did he do that was so saintly? How do Scottish people celebrate St Andrews? And how did he get the honour of becoming Scotland’s patron saint?Accompanied by guest speakers, bagpipes, Ceilidh dancing and a mixture of

Currie Community Centre – St Andrews Arts Saturday in Currie

Currie Community Centre 280 Lanark Road West, Currie, United Kingdom

There will be Indian dance from Dance Ihayami and dances by local children, performances by young musicians, songs from the choir of our Nigerian church group and a children's art exhibition on the theme of "Scotland's Cultures". Events will start at 2 pm, and the community cafe will be running throughout the day. In the

The Highlands Support Refugees – St Andrew’s Day Ceilidhs Against Walls

Old High Church Hall Academy Street, Inverness, United Kingdom

Ceilidhs Against Walls is fundraising event for the Highlands Support Refugees. This year we will celebrate both the Scottish and Syrian cultures by inviting members of recently settled refugee families to attend. The money raised on the night will go towards the shipment of aid to refugee camps around the world and to helping refugees

Scottish Indian Arts Forum – St Andrew’s Fair Saturday

Drylaw Parish Church Hall Groathill Road North, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

As part of St. Andrews Fair Saturday, SIAF will organise an evening of Indo-Scottish dance and music event. This will be a 2 hour show at an indoor venue and will be based on Indian and Fusion music & dance. It will be performed by a professional group as well as amateurs comprising of young

Ahl Al Bait Society – Celebrating St Andrew’s Day Arabic style

Ahl Al Bait Society 25 Woodside Place, Glasgow, United Kingdom

We will hold a celebration event on with the Arabic speaking communities in Glasgow to explore what it means to be Scottish and Arabic. The event will have a taste of both cultures in the food we serve at the event, the stories people will tell and also the music and arts presented on this

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