The Scots in Poland – A Forgotten Diaspora

Yudowitz Lecture Theatre, Wolfson Medical School University of Glasgow, University Avenue, Glasgow

To mark UN International Migrants Day Part of the ‘Scotland’s Diverse History’ Series. Minority Community considerations and discussions celebrating Scotland’s 2017 Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology An Illustrated talk by writer and broadcaster Billy Kay, author of The Scottish World. Drawing on a lifetime of exploring, writing and broadcasting about Scots, their culture and

GRAMNet Film Series

CCA (Centre for Contemporary Arts) 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow

In observance of International Migrants Day. Also the final part of BEMIS' Scotland's Diverse History lecture and film series. Scotland's Memoir Short: Scotland (2017) | Director: Etienne Kubwabo | 30 mins As part of Scotland's celebration of the Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology 2017, BEMIS Scotland have commissioned Cre8tive Entertainment to explore Scotland's story

GRAMNet Film Series

CCA (Centre for Contemporary Arts) 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow

The Holocaust as a scar on the body and soul of the European Roma and Sinti. Little is known about the tragedy of the Roma during World War II. They were murdered by the dozens, hundreds and thousands; in concentration camps, at the edges of mass graves and roadsides.

BEMIS Celebrates Burns

Old Fruitmarket Candleriggs, Glasgow

A grand-scale multicultural ceilidh featuring Eddie Reader, Lorcan MacMathuna and Dallaghan honouring our national bard’s transcendent beliefs in human equality, kinship and conviviality.


GRAMNet Film Series

CCA (Centre for Contemporary Arts) 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow

In observance of World Day of Social Justice. Honey at the Top Documentary, UK/Kenya (2016) | Director: Dean Puckett | 57 mins | Swahili, Sengwer with English Subtitles Honey at the Top is a film about the Sengwer forest people of the Cherangani Hills, Kenya, being evicted from their ancestral land in the name of

GRAMNet Film Series

CCA (Centre for Contemporary Arts) 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow

In observance of International Women's Day. Bolingo, The Forest of Love Documentary, Spain (2016) | Director: Alejandro G. Salgado | 55 mins | English with Subtitles Bolingo, the Forest of Love tells the journey made by several women from the heart of Africa to North Morocco looking for the ‘European dream'.This journey will get them

GRAMNet Film Series

CCA (Centre for Contemporary Arts) 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow

In observance of English Language Day. Broken World, Broken Word Documentary, Ghana/Scotland (2016) | Director: Gameli Tordzro | 60 mins | Shona, Ndau, Dutch, Italian, French, German, Twi, Ga, Dangbe, Ewe, Akan, Bukina, Danish with English Subtitles This documentary film a multilingual production filmed on location in Ghana charts the work of the AHRC Researching

GRAMNet Film Series

CCA (Centre for Contemporary Arts) 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow

Salt of this Sea - Soraya, born in Brooklyn in a working-class community of Palestinian refugees, discovers that her grandfather's savings were frozen in a bank account in Jaffa when he was exiled in 1948. Stubborn, passionate and determined to reclaim what is hers, she fulfils her life-long dream of "returning" to Palestine. Once there, slowly she is taken apart by the reality around her and is forced to confront her own anger. She meets Emad, a young Palestinian whose ambition, contrary to hers, is to leave forever.

GRAMNet Film Series Launch: Even When I Fall

University of Glasgow Gilmorehill Centre 9 University Avenue, Glasgow

Sheetal and Saraswoti met as teenagers in a Kathmandu refuge, survivors of child trafficking to corrupt Indian circuses and brought back across the border to a Nepal they could barely remember.

Even When I Fall traces their journey over 6 years as they confront the families that sold them, seek acceptance within their own country and begin to build a future.

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