Multicultural Homecoming 2014

Wednesday 30th April 2014, 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Scotland Street School Museum, Glasgow

Multicultural Homecoming 2014 is the launch of a partnership between BEMIS Scotland, Visit Scotland and the Scottish Government to celebrate the diverse nature of Scotland’s communities in this year of Homecoming. As such, the launch event will reflect this theme. Following introductory remarks from the Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs Fiona Hyslop MSP and BEMIS Scotland CEO Rami Ousta, attendees will enjoy a small synopsis of what is to come in the months ahead with refreshments and performances from artists providing a sample of Scotland’s diverse communities including representation from the Arab, Indian, Iranian, Irish, Pakistani and Polish communities.

As well as hosting key events throughout the year in conjunction with partners including the Scottish Football Association, Glasgow University (GRAMNet – Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network), The Scottish Refugee Council, Diversity Arts and ANSAR, the Multicultural Homecoming celebrations are supplemented with a small grants scheme extending the opportunity for our diverse communities to plan, host and celebrate their own interpretation of Scotland as home. Communities can draw on their own expertise, traditional arts, food, language, stories, songs and cultural heritage, becoming part of the cultural mosaic of Homecoming Scotland in 2014.

Details of funding opportunities and criteria will be provided at the launch with proposals being welcomed from Monday 12th May.


Registration is required. To register, please email with your name, organisation (if applicable) and contact details, or contact the BEMIS office on 0141 548 8047.