Monday 26th May 2014, 17:30- 20:00
Spindrift Suite, Café Coast & meeting rooms, Beach Boulevard, Aberdeen, AB24 5HP

ethnic-minority-forum   bemis-logo-small

The Ethnic Minority Forum in partnership with BEMIS present an opportunity to generate informed debate about race equality issues in relation to the Independence Referendum.

Please register by calling: Faiza on 01224 523183


17:30 – 16:00 Arrival – Tea, coffee and refreshment and pre-event polling
18:00 – 18:05 Welcome and Introduction – Jeannie Felsinger, Chair of the EMF
18:05 – 18:15 Setting the Scene –  Rami Ousta, BEMIS
18:15 – 18:30 1st Speaker – Kevin Stewart ,MSP
18:30 – 18:45 2nd Speaker – Lewis MacDonald, MSP
18:45 – 19:30 Panel Questions:

Yes Scotland (Kevin Stewart, Nighet Riaz)

Better Together (Lewis MacDonald, Sumon Hoque)

19:30 – 19:45 Closing statements from Yes Scotland and Better Together campaigns
19:45 Evaluation/Post event Poll and Closing Remarks from Rami Ousta