Membership of the Ethnic Minority National Resilience Network remains open to organisations, communities and individuals. If you know of others who may wish to join ask them email communitysupport@bemis.org.uk.
Aberdeen Hindu Temple Trust | Aberdeen |
Aberdeen Multicultural Centre | Aberdeen |
Aberlour | Scotland |
Action Group Happy to Translate | Glasgow |
Aditi at Sacro | Scotland/UK |
African Caribeann Womens Association (ACWA) | Scotland |
Amrit Purba | Scotland / UK |
Ando Glaso | Glasgow |
Article 12 | Scotland |
BEMIS Scotland | Scotland |
Call it Out | Scotland |
Central Scotland Regional Equality Council | Falkirk |
Child Poverty Action Group | Scotland |
Children in Scotland | Scotland |
Citizens Rights Project | Scotland |
Coalition of Carers Scotland | Scotland |
Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann | Scotland |
Community Culture & Arts Association (CCAA) | Glasgow |
Corra Foundation | Scotland |
COSLA | Scotland |
Crookston Community Group | Glasgow |
Dumfries and Galloway Multicultural Centre | Dumfries |
East and Souteast Asian Support | Edinburgh |
Edinburgh Migration, Ethnicity and Health Research Group | Edinburgh |
Empower Women for Change | Glasgow |
Equality and Human Rights Commission | Scotland / UK |
FENIKS | Edinburgh |
Fife Arabic Society | Fife |
Fife Centre for Equalities | Fife |
Fife Migrants Forum | Fife |
Forth Valley Migrant Support Network | Forth Valley |
Freedom from Torture | Glasgow |
Friends for All | Glasgow |
Friends of Romano Lav | Govanhill, Glasgow |
FROG Digital Health | Scotland/UK |
Glasgow Afghan United | Glasgow |
Glasgow City Mission | Glasgow |
Grace Women Project | Scotland |
Grampian Regional Equality Council | Aberdeenshire |
HiMRA Highland Migrant & Refugee Advocacy | Inverness |
Hope Amplified | Glasgow |
IFLA Project in Scotland | Glasgow |
Inspiring Families Development Network Scotland (INFADENS) Twitter | Facebook | Paisley |
Intercultural Youth Scotland | Scotland |
Interfaith Scotland | Scotland |
International Women’s Group | Glasgow |
Irish Government Department of Foreign Affairs | Scotland/UK |
Jankhar Beats | Glasgow |
Just Rights Scotland | Scotland |
Licketyspit Theatre Company – Children’s and Family Network | Glasgow |
Lina Hammami | Glasgow |
LINKnet Mentoring Ltd | Scotland |
Lynne Tammi | Scotland / UK |
Mama Africa (Africa Women’s Group Scotland) | Scotland |
Maryhill Integration Network | Glasgow |
Maryhill Integration Project | Glasgow |
Maureen Finn | Scotland |
MECOPP | Scotland |
Milan Senior Welfare Support Group | Edinburgh |
Multi cultural Family Base | Edinburgh |
NARJA Helping Hands | Glasgow |
NHS Lothian, Public Health Department | Lothians |
PKAVS Minority Community Hub | Perth |
Police Scotland | Scotland |
Pollokshields Parent Teacher Association | Glasgow |
Poverty Alliance | Scotland |
Poverty Truth Community | Scotland |
Progress In Dialogue | Scotland |
Refugee Survival Trust | Glasgow |
Royston Youth Action | Glasgow |
SCoJeC | Scotland |
Scot BAME Network | Scotland / UK |
Scottish Arab Women Association | Glasgow |
Scottish Government Equality Unit | Scotland |
Scottish Government Safer Communities | Scotland |
Scottish Indian Arts Forum | Edinburgh |
Scottish Pakistani Recovery Support Network | Glasgow |
Scottish Trade Union Congress | Scotland / UK |
Sikh Sanjog | Edinburgh |
Sikorski Polish Social & Educational Society | Glasgow |
St Angela’s Participation Centre | Glasgow |
Stronger Together Social Enterprise | Glasgow |
STUC Black Workers Committee | Scotland / UK |
Talat Yaqob | Scotland / UK |
The Hope Project Scotland | Glasgow |
Unison Black Workers | Scotland |
West Lothian Carers | West Lothian |
Women in Action | Glasgow |
Yaa Nipah | Glasgow |
YCSA | Glasgow |
Yemeni Scottish Foundation | Scotland / UK |
Youthlink Scotland | Scotland |
Yusuf Youth Initiative | Dundee |