BEMIS Scotland are delighted to announce that our Scotland’s Winter Festivals (SWF) small grant scheme is now[…]
The 3rd newsletter for the Parents for All project is now available, covering the recently completed Training[…]
You can see BEMIS’s response below to the Scottish Government’s proposed Hate Crime legislation, informed by our[…]
Our Scotland’s Winter Festivals 2018/2019 grant programme has now been fully allocated so we can’t accept any[…]
People across Scotland are being invited to join a conversation about community decision-making to help make public[…]
We are Scotland Our friends, neighbours and colleagues include people from many backgrounds. Together we create a[…]
We are proud to announce that applications for the Year of Young People 2018 and Scotland’s Winter[…]
As our key stakeholders representing the equalities priorities for the Year, further to our progress update earlier[…]
This issue of MEMO+ contains important information on how to register to vote and the voting process[…]
Many of you will already be aware of the Scottish Government’s Themed Year programme and indeed have[…]