As our key stakeholders representing the equalities priorities for the Year, further to our progress update earlier in the year, we felt it was timely to touch base with you…
SWF Fund now closed

The Scotland's Winter Festivals fund has now been fully allocated and we can no longer accept any new applications. We look forward to celebrating all these fantastic events over the next…
YHHA fund is now closed.

The Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology fund is now closed, and we are no longer taking any applications. The Scotland's Winter Festivals fund, however, is still open for any…
Scotland’s Winter Festivals Grant Fund now open

We are now accepting applications for the 2017/2018 Scotland's Winter Festivals Grant Fund. Grants of up to £1,000 are available for community groups to hold St Andrew's Day, Hogmanay and…
MEMO+ Voting in the UK General Election 2017
This issue of MEMO+ contains important information on how to register to vote and the voting process for the General Election, to select Members of the UK Parliament, which will…
Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology – What’s Happening

Many of you will already be aware of the Scottish Government’s Themed Year programme and indeed have joined the celebrations in previous years. We are so fortunate in Scotland to…
Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology Small Grants Fund

BEMIS Scotland in collaboration with the Scottish Government is delighted to announce the commencement of a programme which invites multicultural communities across Scotland to join the celebration of the 2017…
Modern Apprenticeships, Careers & Volunteering Event 2017

A fantastic opportunity to engage with a variety of training providers across over 80 sectors including Police Scotland and Scottish Ambulance Service. Learn more about applying for Modern Apprenticeships, gain…