Scotland’s Winter Festivals Grant Fund now open

We are now accepting applications for the 2017/2018 Scotland’s Winter Festivals Grant Fund. Grants of up to £1,000 are available for community groups to hold St Andrew’s Day, Hogmanay and Burns Night events.

More information, guidelines and application forms are available here.


The Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology Grant Fund is also still open for applications for relevant events for the rest of 2017.

MEMO+ Voting in the UK General Election 2017

An issue of MEMO+ containing information on registering to vote and the voting process is now available:

The General Election, to select Members of the UK Parliament, will take place on Thursday 8 June 2017, and it is important that as many people as possible vote to ensure that the views of Scottish people are represented at Westminster.

This issue of MEMO+ contains important information on how to register to vote and the voting process. Note: The deadline for registering is Monday 22nd May.

Please circulate this issue of MEMO+ among your membership and encourage everyone to vote!

Download now

Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology – What’s Happening

Many of you will already be aware of the Scottish Government’s Themed Year programme and indeed have joined the celebrations in previous years. We are so fortunate in Scotland to have the most fascinating and inspiring history and heritage on our doorsteps, bringing the spirit of Scotland alive which is why the latest in the themed year series, 2017 has been designated as a year in which Scotland’s history, heritage and archaeology will be showcased and celebrated with a programme of activity aimed at supporting and driving the nation’s tourism and events sector. More about the Year and events and activities which are taking place can be found at

The Scottish Government’s Themed Years Team would like to keep you updated of progress taking place throughout the Year and would also like to invite you to let them know of any activities and events you and your organisation are planning. Some highlights which are currently taking place include:-

You may also wish to attend some of the upcoming Signature or Partner Programme events:

  • European Pipe Band Championships (Partner Programme event) – 24 June – Grant Park, Forres – Thousands of pipers and drummers from far and wide, in over a hundred bands, will compete to be European Champions in their grade.  The event not only offers world class piping but a range of other entertainment and over a hundred retail stalls too.
  • The Weave Festival (Signature Event) – 1 -2 July 2017 – Paisley’s International Festival of Weaving will reconnect the town’s weaving heritage with its historic textile connections all over the world.  The festival will kick off with the Sma’ Shot Parade on 1 July, an annual tradition that pays tribute to a significant 19th-century dispute between the weavers and their employers.
  • Purvai (Signature Event) – 1 August -31 August – The Purvai project takes place in Stornoway embraces traditional and contemporary art, music, textiles, literature, history and culture, charting areas of shared humanity between Gaelic culture and the Indian sub-continent and thrives on the exchange of artists and ideas.

Further details of all YHHA events can be found at Or you may even wish to add your own event to the Partner Programme. To do so, please complete the attached form on the VisitScotland website

And finally… In addition to the funded programme delivered by BEMIS (, multi-cultural communities are also at the heart of the wider celebrations of Scotland’s Winter Festivals which mark St Andrew’s Day, Hogmanay and Burns.Further information on the Winter Festivals is available at and Scotland’s multi-cultural communities are warmly invited to join the celebration. Funding will be available starting in August for community groups to stage events celebrating Scotland’s Winter Festivals.

Please feel free to get in touch with the Themed Years Team ( if would you like any further information on any of the above or if you would like to let them know of activities and events you are carrying out.


Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology Small Grants Fund

BEMIS Scotland in collaboration with the Scottish Government is delighted to announce the commencement of a programme which invites multicultural communities across Scotland to join the celebration of the 2017 Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology and Scottish Winter Festivals 2017/18.

The programme, which is being supported by a £64,680 funding contribution from the Scottish Government, builds on the success of earlier themed year programs led by BEMIS Scotland in 2014, 2015, 2016/17 and esteems to practically enable Scotland’s ethnic and cultural minority communities to participate in and enhance the dynamic celebrations which are taking place across Scotland.

More Info and Application

Between 2014 and January 2017 over 33,000 people attended 165 local community and 10 national events which have taken place across Scotland. From Glasgow to Inverness and Helmsdale to Slammanan.

Scotland’s social, economic and cultural vibrancy is enhanced by our diverse ethnic and cultural minority communities who now call Scotland ‘home’. Our mosaic of communities has had an immeasurably positive impact on Scotland’s physical and cultural infrastructure.

BEMIS Scotland and the Scottish Government share an objective and commitment to facilitate, celebrate and enhance Scotland’s inclusive national identity predicated on acknowledging that the diverse cultural characteristics of Scotland’s minority communities combine to represent a dynamic, progressive, vibrant and engaging national narrative.

As in previous years, the bulk of programme funding in 2017/18 will support a small grants scheme which will be split into two components: £30,000 is being allocated to celebrate the 2017 Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology and £20,000 to celebrate Scotland’s Winter Festivals, focusing on the seminal dates of St. Andrew’s Day (30th November 2017) and Burns Day (25th January 2018).

In addition to the small-grant-funded events, BEMIS will commission and develop a bespoke short documentary film celebrating Scotland’s diverse communities within the context of the themed year.

Furthermore, BEMIS will work to collaborate with key partners to facilitate national events which celebrate the 2017/18 YHHA and Scotland’s Winter Festivals. In previous years partners have included Celtic Connections, GRAMNet, Food and Drink Scotland, Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland, Architecture and Design Scotland and Solas Music Festival.

The BEMIS programme has reflected a comprehensive approach to celebrating the diversity of modern Scotland with over 20 self-identified ethnic, cultural and religious minorities having participated across all facets of the themed years.

This approach and momentum will be maintained in 2017. Our programme design is embedded within communities and their intangible cultural heritage, representing a pro-active response to the Race Equality Framework for Scotland 2016-30 which esteems to build a Scotland that is inclusive, dynamic, responsive and culturally confident.

Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs Fiona Hyslop said:

The Scottish Government is providing BEMIS Scotland with £64,680 to support a programme which encourages Scotland’s multi-cultural communities to develop their own events and activities to celebrate the 2017 Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology and the 2017/18 Winter Festivals.

There is no better time for our diverse communities to celebrate all that Scotland means to them as their home and our country’s unique cultural diversity by taking part in the many national and local events happening across Scotland in 2017/18; most of which are free and family friendly and where everyone can expect a very warm welcome.

Ms Micheline Brannan, Convenor of BEMIS Scotland, emphasised this pledge:

BEMIS Scotland welcome the continued commitment of the Scottish Government to progressing our shared objective to utilise the intangible cultural characteristics of Scotland to enhance and foster our shared, living, dynamic and diverse yet inclusive national identity. Under the auspices of the Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology and Scottish Winter Festivals period, we are committed to maintaining our engagement with the diverse communities of Scotland increasing and progressing their active participation.

Scotland with its strong progressive equality agenda, institutional support, political will, a vibrant and active third sector, and its diverse cultural and ethnic communities is a country receptive to change, innovation and progress and to being our HOME.

In addition, Rami Ousta, CEO of BEMIS Scotland, explained that:

It is recognised that Citizens’ active participation in selecting, interpreting and celebrating a shared cultural heritage is a first step toward social inclusion and change.

Thus, BEMIS continues to be pro-active in enhancing and advancing a more participatory democratic approach to heritage that can pave the way for equal citizenship and social justice.

Our partnership with the Scottish Government reflects a shared commitment to showcasing our diverse communities and inclusive national identity in Scotland.

Again, we look forward to working closely with key stakeholders and our diverse communities in the year ahead to progress this shared human aspiration and to foster our sense of Scotland as home, safe, inclusive, confident and culturally intelligent.

More information on the fund and how to apply is available on our website at

Modern Apprenticeships, Careers & Volunteering Event 2017

A fantastic opportunity to engage with a variety of training providers across over 80 sectors including Police Scotland and Scottish Ambulance Service. Learn more about applying for Modern Apprenticeships, gain information on volunteering with Human Appeal and many other organisations to enhance your career prospects.

Monday 23rd January 2017 | Glasgow City Chambers | 9:30–16:30

Free Entry!

Click below for more info.

Inspiring Careers and Modern Apprenticeships

2017 Year of History, Heritage & Archaeology Questionnaire

2017 has been designated the Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology (YHHA). The Scottish Government will be producing a newsletter to keep you up to date with activities and events related to the Year in the hope it will assist with establishing and developing relationships across networks.

To help them understand how you currently use the newsletters and what you would find helpful and useful going forward they would be grateful if you can complete and return the short questionnaire below.

VALLEY European Award

logo_valley_hell_smallThe VALLEY (Validation System in Lifelong Learning Experiences of Youth Volunteering) project organises a European award that addresses associations in Europe to present their initiatives regarding validation of learning outcomes.

  • are you working with volunteers?
  • do you support them in validating their competences acquired
  • or do you have an innovative idea?

If you answer positively to these questions, the VALLEY European Award is for YOU!

We want you to be creative and present your learning projects in an innovative way. All ideas should take into account competences’ dimension.
At the end, the 3 best contributions will be invited to the Award Ceremony in Marseille, France on Thursday 16th February 2017 which will be attended by experts and relevant entities/personalities in the field. Moreover, you will receive a Certificate and your idea will be published in newsletters and articles!

We are looking forward to your contributions and wish you the best of luck!

Find out more and submit your idea here:


A 2-year project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme (Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships) in the field of Youth. Valley aims to develop a resource for personal development and empowerment to enhance the learning dimension of volunteering amongst young people. The competences developed during the volunteering work will be validated by means of an innovative validation approach—the LEVEL5 system.

Job Vacancy: Capacity Development Officer

BEMIS is looking to add to the core staff already in place with the following post:

Capacity Development Officer

  • £24,000 (pro rata)
  • 25 hours per week
  • Funded until June 2017

A key post to assist in the development and delivery of BEMIS objectives in relation to race equality and community development: Will be working closely with diverse grassroots community groups, assisting in their capacity building and coordinating partnerships with key stakeholders. Must have community development and active citizenship experience and be fully conversant with the relevant legislations relating to equality, social justice and human rights.

Full details and application forms are available on our jobs page:

Year of Innovation, Architecture & Design, and Scottish Winter Festivals Grant Fund


BEMIS Scotland in collaboration with the Scottish Government is delighted to announce the commencement of a new programme which invites multicultural communities across Scotland to join the celebration of the 2016 Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design and the 2016/17 Winter Festivals.

The new programme, which is being supported by a £54,000 funding contribution from the Scottish Government, builds on the success of earlier similar activity led by BEMIS Scotland in 2014 and 2015 and esteems to practically enable Scotland’s ethnic and cultural minority communities to participate in and enhance the dynamic celebrations which are taking place across Scotland.

Scotland’s social, economic and cultural vibrancy is enhanced by our diverse ethnic and cultural minority communities who now call Scotland ‘home’. Our mosaic of communities has had an immeasurably positive impact on Scotland’s physical and cultural infrastructure.

BEMIS Scotland and the Scottish Government share an objective and commitment to facilitate, celebrate and enhance Scotland’s inclusive national identity predicated on acknowledging that the diverse cultural characteristics of Scotland’s minority communities combine to represent a dynamic, progressive, vibrant and engaging national narrative.

As in previous years, the bulk of programme funding in 2016/17 will support a small grants scheme which will be split into two components. £20,000 is being allocated to celebrate the 2016 Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design and £28,000 to celebrate Scotland’s Winter Festivals focusing on the seminal dates of St. Andrew’s Day (30th November 2016) and Burns Day (25th January 2017).

Over the course of the themed years BEMIS Scotland has been delighted to develop a range of bespoke partnerships with key agencies and stakeholders including VisitScotland, the Scottish Football Association, Celtic Connections, Just Festival, SOLAS, Creative Scotland and Scotland Food and Drink .

This approach will be progressed within this year’s context with the introduction of ADS (Architecture and Design Scotland) and TRACS (Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland).

Building on these new and existing partnerships, and in addition to the small grants component, other planned activity includes a unique, bespoke winter conference which will assemble the multifarious narratives of Scotland to encourage new horizons and interpretations of Scottish, European and Global identity and citizenship. Who is Scotland, Where is Scotland, We are Scotland.

Also, as part of the winter festival celebrations, BEMIS Scotland in partnership with Scotland Food and Drink will celebrate the St. Andrew’s weekend by utilising the culinary and cultural narrative of South Asian diasporas in Scotland to celebrate our shared social, economic and cultural links.

Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs Fiona Hyslop said:

 Building on the success of earlier programmes, I am delighted that BEMIS Scotland and partners are inviting multi-cultural communities across Scotland to join the celebration of the Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design and the Winter Festivals, supported by a funding contribution of £54,000 from the Scottish Government.

People from across the world have settled in Scotland, they are welcome here and their contribution is valued. Now more than ever the multi-cultural celebration of the Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design and the Winter Festivals provides us with a fantastic opportunity to showcase how Scotland’s diversity enriches our nation. I would encourage multi-cultural communities to take part in this initiative by developing their own events celebrating the place they live and Scotland’s national days and also to check out the many other major events happening the length and breadth of the country in 2016 and beyond.

These sentiments were echoed by BEMIS CEO Dr Rami Ousta:

BEMIS Scotland welcome the continued commitment of the Scottish Government to progressing our shared objective to utilise the intangible cultural characteristics of Scotland to foster our shared, living, dynamic and diverse national identity. Under the auspices of the Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design and Scottish Winter Festivals period we are committed to maintaining our engagement with the diverse communities of Scotland.

This approach places domestic, European and global citizenship at the heart of our cultural and social agenda. Scotland is a nation of diversity in a global community of equals.

Our social and cultural rights advanced, evidenced and championed in partnership with the Scottish Government reflect a shared commitment to showcasing our communities in Scotland and via our diasporas projecting Scotland across the globe via the eyes, anecdotes, experiences and stories of our minority communities.

We look forward to working with key agencies and our communities in the year ahead to progress this shared human aspiration, to foster our sense of Scotland as home, safe, inclusive, confident and culturally intelligent.

Apply Now

BEMIS response to the EU referendum

BEMIS Scotland are the national intermediary umbrella body for the diverse ethnic minority voluntary sector in Scotland. While acknowledging that a majority of citizens in the UK—who had the democratic franchise in this referendum—have voted to leave the European Union we must similarly acknowledge that the majority of people in Scotland voted to remain.

BEMIS, as an organisation, highly values our pro-active relationship with partners across the European Union. These continual, sustained, vigorous and beneficial partnerships have enabled us to develop policy, share good practice and increase cooperation among the diverse cultural and ethnic minority communities, governments, agencies, institutions and councils across the continent.

The unique collaboration structures that have been advanced in Scotland, involving the voluntary sector, NGOs, cross party, and government cooperation regarding our shared Equality and Human rights objectives, have been utilised continuously to enhance and promote Scotland’s role and status as an example of good practice and advancing participative democracy at various levels within Scotland, the UK and Europe.

The European citizenship of the diverse people of Scotland has been endorsed overwhelmingly by the electorate in Scotland. We strongly endorse that any future UK negotiations in relation to our constitutional arrangements with the EU must acknowledge the unique demographics and democratic wishes of the people of Scotland.

BEMIS will continue its pro-active role in progressing and supporting the will of the Scottish community in relation to enhancing their voice and democratic participation settings within the European community: Our diverse communities reflected in our Scottish-based European citizens provide an immeasurable benefit to Scotland’s social, economic and cultural life and we are committed to ensuring that this positive, engaging and highly beneficial relationship is maintained, valued and celebrated.

We fully acknowledge the commitment from First Minister Ms Nicola Sturgeon, to ensuring that Scotland’s place in the European Union and fundamental value of European citizens who now call Scotland home forms the cornerstone of their response to forthcoming discussion on Scotland’s relationship with Europe and the UK.

In addition, BEMIS Scotland will sustain a pro-active role not only in progressing our European collaboration with various partners but also in engaging and supporting the diverse citizens living in Scotland to be part of ongoing discussions and debates regarding Scotland remaining home for EU’s citizens’ and to supporting the Scottish Government’s continuous efforts to protecting Scotland’s relationship with the EU.

On behalf of BEMIS Board and staff,

Rami Ousta
Chief Executive Officer